b'rodeo orGanizations (ahc memBers)BroNC rIDINg NATIoN ProFeSSIoNAl roDeo CoWBoyS ASSoCIATIoNlori ohaver George talor, ceo29798 state highway W 101 Pro rodeo driveWarrenton, missouri 63383 colorado springs, co 80919Phone:(719) 593-8840Fax:(719) 264-4994email:gtaylor@prorodeo.comWebsite:www.prorodeo.comPublication:ProRodeo Sports Newsestablish the Prca as the premier sanctioning body of rodeo in north america where rich traditions and values are experienced through the love of animals, competition, excitement and the western lifestyle.rodeo orGanizations (ahc non-memBers)national high school rodeo association. inc.,JamesHigginbotham,ExecutiveDirector,12001TejonSt.,Suite900,Denver,CO80234,Phone:(303)452-0820,Fax:(303)452-0912,Email:james@nhsra.org,Website:www.nhsra.org,Publication:NHSRATimesnational intercollegiate rodeo association, roger Walters, commissioner, 2316 eastgate n., ste. 160, Walla Walla, Wa 99362,Phone: (509) 529-4402, Fax: (509) 525-1090, email: info@collegerodeo.com, Website: www.collegerodeo.com, Publication: collegiate arenanational little britches rodeo, annie Walter, executive director, 5050 edison ave., ste. 105, colorado springs, co 80915-3544,Phone: 800-763-3694 or (719) 389-0333, Fax: (719) 578-1367, email: info@nlbra.com, Website: www.nlbra.com, Publication: rodeo newsWomens Professional rodeo association, Janet cropper, operating officer & executive secretary, 431 south cascade, colorado springs, co 80903, Phone: (719) 447-4627, Fax: (719) 447-4631, email: contact@wpra.com, Website: www.wpra.com, Publication: Womens Pro rodeo newsrodeo orGanizations932021 horse industry directory'