b'Success beyond the finish lineStarts with a trusted partnership.DeanDortonsequineindustryteamworksalongsideequineindustry participants of all types (farm owners, breeders, racing operations, sales companies, and more) throughout the world, helping them meet their financials goals through best-in-class business advisory services. We partner with you to provide a holistic approach to your personal and business needs, providing you with advice and expertise to help you financially succeed on and off the track.More than 40 years of equine experienceTaxPlanningDean Dorton proudly sponsored the horse, Tax, in the 2019 Kentucky Derby, Belmont Stakes, and Travers Stakes.Real-Time Financial DataKey Performance Indicator ReportsOperational GuidanceJen Shah, CPAjshah@deandorton.comEquine Industry Leaderdeandorton.com/equine'